Course Description

MMJC 9606   Special Topic: By, For, About: Telling Stories from/with the Margins

Course Description
This course combines both critical and practical methods centered on documentary filmmaking. Students learn by doing. Through practical hands-on assignments, students will learn how to facilitate people from marginalized communities tell their stories. “Nothing about us without us.” Through critical analysis of documentaries and readings about documentary practice students will learn what has and has not worked for marginalized communities.

0.5 course

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:

- Critically evaluate communication technologies and demonstrate ethical decision making around technology choice in multiplatform storytelling (building off of what you learned in 9200, your own judgment) 
- Gather, evaluate, and integrate information from a broad and diverse range of sources with a critical approach, and articulate how the process can differ for communications and journalism. 
- Plan, conduct, and curate interviews for public storytelling in an ethical, compassionate, and culturally sensitive manner. 
- Challenge dominant sources/forms of knowledge to identify what they include and exclude.

