Course Description

MMJC 9201   The Newsroom: Reporting Essentials for Today's Journalists

Course Description
This course will offer an opportunity to build skills in both quick turnaround mobile journalism and in longer form multimedia, digital projects. Students will learn to produce and disseminate stories from the field using smart phones and tablets.
Included will be “real time” micro-blogging, audio and video recordings and dissemination of events as they happen. Students will have the opportunity to structure and edit same-day multi-platform stories on their tablet devices. Students will also work in groups to produce one larger, research intensive capstone multimedia project that will include text, video, audio and graphics.  These projects will, ideally, aim to be pieces of work wherein the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Students will be required to register in this course OR 9202- Advanced Communications. Both of 9201 or 9202 can be taken, if you take one of them as an elective.
