Course Description

LIS 9378-650 (Fall 2023)   Special Topic: Information in the Age of Planet Google

Instructor: L. Cedeira Serantes / R. Melis

Course Description
Information systems based on big data, predictive analytics and recommender algorithms are changing traditional methods of information organization, curation and access in libraries. Even as libraries integrate their tools with interfaces of search engines and streaming services, libraries must confront fresh implications regarding metadata and how it could be used.

Course Syllabi for LIS 9378-650 (Fall 2023)
The syllabi for this course is a PDF file that requires a FIMS account to view

Prerequisites: GRADLIS 9001 and 9002

0.5 course

Program Content Areas
Information Organization, Curation and Access
Information Policy

Learning Outcomes
1)Understand how the values and principles of information organization, access and curation, which are central to the field of LIS, can be exercised and enacted, and the awareness of our social responsibility for providing progressive public service for the public good may be preserved in an information environment which sometimes challenges those values, principles and responsibility (Program-Level Learning Outcome 2)

2)Use an enhanced understanding of the technologies of big data information organization and dissemination to assess the opportunities and consequences of adopting or aligning with current and emerging technologies of information dissemination based on predictive analytics and recommender algorithms. (Program-Level Learning Outcome 4)

3)Understand how the practices and roles of librarians and information professionals concerned with information organization, curation and access are changing due to the changing social and technological environment brought about by big data and predictive analytics. (MLIS Program-Level Learning Outcome 5)
MLIS Program Level Learning Outcomes
MLIS Program Goals and Objectives
