Course Description

LIS 9160-001 (Summer 2023)   Special Topic: Antiracism in Library and Information Science

Instructor: A. Matthews

Course Description
An introduction to anti-racism and racial social justice in library and information science. In this course, students will develop an understanding of historical and contemporary approaches to race in LIS along with key individual and collective strategies to advance equity, diversity, inclusion, and decolonization. 

Course Syllabi for LIS 9160-001 (Summer 2023)
The syllabi for this course is a PDF file that requires a FIMS account to view

Prerequisites: Pre-requisites: GRADLIS 9001, 9003   Co-/Pre-requisites: 9005

0.5 course

Program Content Areas
Connecting People with Information
Information Policy
Managing and Working in Information Organizations

Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of readings, assignments, and class participation, students will be able to:

Identify and contextualize potential forms of racism in library and information organizations and in broader Canadian society through a foundational understanding of concepts related to anti-racism including privilege, power, intersectionality, microaggressions, and bias (1,3, 5)
Assess the impact of racial bias and discrimination on individuals and communities in library and information organizations and gain knowledge of best practices to address systemic barriers to support the development of equitable and responsive library and information services (3, 4, 8)
Appropriately identify and respond to the unique information and service needs of equity-deserving groups by developing a contextual understanding of cultural competence (1, 3, 7, 8)
Identify, research, and present theoretical and professional issues related to anti-racism and EDID in library and information organizations (1, 3, 7, 8) 
Appropriately develop and lead initiatives and advocate with and for equity-deserving groups in library and information organizations (1, 3, 7, 8) 
MLIS Program Level Learning Outcomes
MLIS Program Goals and Objectives
