Course Description

FIMS 9611   Special Topic: Decolonization, Reciprocity and Healing

Course Description
This course examines news stories on Indigenous people to understand how colonization has been normalized, and in some cases, advanced through the media. Students will look at ways to build meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities and examine cultural understandings of reciprocity, notions which are often at odds with standards and practices of journalism. It will look at how those guidelines and rules are changing today, to be more inclusive of Indigenous and other racialized communities. Students will also learn of the trauma journalists can cause and learn how to mitigate retraumatization. This course will look at the connections between residential schools, land dispossession, racism and missing and murdered Indigenous women, girls and two spirit people and discuss how to develop stories that counter colonial harms and that sensitively cover intergenerational trauma. We will talk about the difference between what critics call “trauma porn” verses holding institutions responsible for trauma, to account. We will also look at the ways trauma affects reporters and how we can better care for ourselves.

0.5 course
