Course Description

MIT 404F (Fall 2004)   Honors Seminar: The Political Economy of Globalization

Course Description
This senior course, required for MIT/MPI students in an Honors program or Honors Specialization, is an advanced seminar available in multiple sections. Each section is offered by a different faculty member within his/her area of expertise. Students may be required to do in-depth projects and/or seminar presentations.

This course constitutes an advanced introduction to medium theory and its applications to the political economy of globalization. Medium theory is an approach that assesses the role of the institutions, organizations and technologies that mediate human life. In this seminar, various medium theory perspectives will be addressed in the context of forces and processes related to contemporary globalization involving student presentations and discussion as the dominant pedagogy. Following an intensive, students will apply medium theory in end of semester presentations and essays.

This course is no longer active. Please contact FIMS Undergraduate Student Services,, for more information.
