FIMS Profile

Yulong Deng (He/Him)

About Me
  • Visiting PhD Student, Faculty of Information & Media Studies, Western University, Canada
  • PhD Student, Faculty of Philosophy, Nanjing Normal University, China
  • Marx’s Labour Theory
  • Digital Labour
  • Digital Capitalism/ Platform Capitalism
  • Wu Jing, Deng Yulong. Data subject and Inter-subject Reconstruction from the Perspective of Digitalization[J]. Yuejiang Academic Journal, 2021, 13(06):67-76.

Data Subject and Inter-subject Reconstruction from the Perspective of Digitalization
In digital existence, almost all aspects of social behavior are reconstructed. Partial contact social interaction has been replaced by non-contact network communication, and digital remote presence has become the basis of new individual behavior. However, the algorithm is the rigid structure of the intermediary. In the data life it not only brings efficient convenience, but also makes data life more ‘one dimension’. The algorithm controls the threshold of the real subject in the digital existence, and also captures the data subject self-construction process. The exclusion of situational experience and human flexibility by its modeled thinking mode is the basis for critical reflection on data life. Platform is the connection foundation of digital survival, and also the infrastructure of algorithm to build data life. It uses algorithmic technology to achieve monopoly, forming the Big Other power system. A pry into digital existence must begin with a critical reflection on data and its construction.
data; one dimension; the data subject; the relationship between data subjects

  • Wu Jing, Deng Yulong. Value Generation of Capitalism with Data Labor Analysis Platform[J]. Teaching and Research on Marxist Theory, 2023, 3(03):67-76.

Value Generation of Capitalism with Data Labor Analysis Platform
For the digital labor involved in the platform, many scholars have explored and debated. The concept of ‘data labor’ is proposed to resolve the controversy and generalized use of the concept of ‘digital labor’. It refers to the free labor form of producing data for the platform when Internet users enter the platform for online activities. In addition to clarifying the concept itself, it is also necessary to delve into the dimension of production relations behind specific labor, and analyze the control relationship of data producers by the platform through the ‘octopus effect’. Although this relationship of control takes place in non-wage labor relations, Marx identified surplus labor in social relations in which all means of production are monopolized. The general nature of capital has not changed after capital is attached to the platform, but the way of subsuming surplus value has shown new characteristics. The platform's ‘total subsumption’ of ‘data labor’ realizes the subsumption of socialized and invisible combined labor power.
data labor; platform capitalism; surplus value; total subsumption; combined labor power